Halo 2....No Product Code
(too old to reply)
2009-07-19 14:46:01 UTC
I dont have a product code for halo 2 for the pc version that runs on vista
as my dog attacked my games and chewed all the boxes which had the codes in
them..could some one please help me...thanx in advance...
Mike Brannigan
2009-07-20 10:01:30 UTC
Post by Hibee
I dont have a product code for halo 2 for the pc version that runs on vista
as my dog attacked my games and chewed all the boxes which had the codes in
them..could some one please help me...thanx in advance...
as you said "... halo 2 for the pc version ..."
This is an Xbox newsgroup - please post to a more appropriate group such as
Frankly I see no hope for you - no one is going to give your their product
key, so you either buy a new copy or one from another source like eBay, and
learn a lesson to be more careful with your things around animals.
Mike Brannigan
2009-07-21 09:46:20 UTC
Is this one of those "the dog ate my homework" claims, where instead of
actually buying the game, you downloaded an illegal version of the game, and
you are looking for someone's product code to use for your own? You're
story just seems too "convenient" of why you don't have a product code for
your game.
Post by Hibee
I dont have a product code for halo 2 for the pc version that runs on vista
as my dog attacked my games and chewed all the boxes which had the codes in
them..could some one please help me...thanx in advance...